Whether immersing yourself in an onsite retreat or zooming in virtually from your own sacred space, there are few things as restorative and delightful as allowing yourself to be held in witnessed by a community of soul-sisters, as you dive deep into your own midlife soulwork.
Step into spring within the warm resonance that happens when deep-thinking, deep-feeling women gather together for creative exploration and healing. We'll play in the energies of the solar eclipse happening on the 8th and take time to do a little weeding of our minds and some seed-planting for our midlife dreams. You'll leave the day with greater clarity and more deeply connected to your own inner guidance.
It may seem like your own work is just that, but I believe it matters on a much larger scale. Join me for this free chat where we'll explore the science behind what many see as woo-woo, and learn why it must just be true that even in the midst of all the shit, you are exactly where and when you need to be and that your own happiness matters.
When you long for time and space to reflect, release, and gather yourself back together. This transformational retreat is an invitation into sacred time and space where you are gently guided into the spaciousness of slowing down to reconnect to what is essential within a welcoming community that fosters space for healing and restoration.
The end of the year practically begs for time and space to reflect, release, and gather yourself back together so you can begin anew in the New Year. This transformational retreat, added by popular demand, is an invitation into sacred space where you are gently guided into the spaciousness of slowing down for creative process, ritual, and welcoming community that creates the space for healing and restoration.